Прояви ненормативної лексики в комунікативній поведінці героїв художніх творів

Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Ivan Ohiienko and contemporary science and education; No. XVIII (2021): Іван Огієнко і сучасна наука та освіта; 7-14
Іван Огієнко і сучасна наука та освіта; № XVIII (2021): Іван Огієнко і сучасна наука та освіта; 7-14
ISSN: 2309-7086
Popis: The pragmatic orientation of invective is the use of neutral commonly used concepts, which under the condition of a communicative act are transformed into expressive symbols that acquire emotionality, humility, comedy, jokes, insults. In this way, the speaker does not think what to say, his goal is how to say, with what feelings. The use of invective does not imply the presence of education, intelligence, sphere of activity, as the addressee is separated from the addressee by expression, connotation, joke, contempt, contempt, outrageousness, etc. Observations of modern postmodern texts convincingly show that today speech and written texts are significantly influenced by oral speech. Analyzing the speech of contemporary Ukrainian literary texts, we conclude that the source of stylistically reduced, in particular non-normative vocabulary, is both colloquial literature and colloquial non-literary vocabulary. Non-normative units function with different degrees of frequency – colloquial vocabulary, invectives predominate, slang and spatial elements, slang show the lowest frequency. The most important function of invective is its use as a tool to combat the opponent, in particular in conflict discourse. From this general function follow such private varieties as accusation, discrediting, humiliation, demoralization of the opponent. Moreover, normative tokens can act as an invective if they are used to humiliate the opponent or give his image a negative characterization. In terms of linguistic expression, as we observe, there are the following types of invectives: abusive invectives, invective labels, ironic invectives. The looseness, ease and irregularity of everyday speech leaves its mark on the design of statements, which is reflected in the selection and use of invective. Non-verbal design also plays an important role in creating a pejoratively colored text with pejoratives. The study of these tools is quite promising.
У пропонованій розвідці розглянули поняття інвективної лексики, визначили основні функції ненормативної лексики, використовуючи класифікацію В. Жельвіса. Безперечно, лихослів’я розглядається як явище соціальне, яке має свою історію походження й розвитку, але, незважаючи на це, воно засуджується в суспільстві, проте водночас є частиною побуту й культури.
Databáze: OpenAIRE