The genesis of the problem of formation of the ideology of state-building and state of the study of the problems in period of newest time

Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Humanities Bulletin of Zaporizhzhe State Engineering Academy; № 54 (2013); 19-33
Гуманитарный вестник Запорожской государственной инженерной академии; № 54 (2013); 19-33
Гуманітарний вісник Запорізької державної інженерної академії; № 54 (2013); 19-33
ISSN: 2072-1692
Popis: Досліджується генезис проблеми формування ідеології державотворення як різновиду теоретично обґрунтованої практичної свідомості; встановлено, щоз другої половини XIX ст. утверджується чітко виявлений період дослідження даної проблеми; необхідність розбудови незалежної української держави детермінує активізацію відповідних дослідницьких напрямів у вітчизняній науці й філософії, що підводить суспільствознавчу, соціально-філософську думку до усвідомлення цілісності державотворчого ідеологічного феномена й, відповідно, постановки проблеми ідеології державотворення.
Исследуется генезис проблемы формирования идеологии государственного строительства как разновидности теоретически обоснованного практического сознания; установлено, что со второй половины XIX в. утверждается чётко выявленный период исследования данной проблемы; необходимость построения независимого украинского государства детерминирует активизацию соответствующих исследовательских направлений в отечественной науке и философии, что подводит обществоведческую, социально-философскую мысль к осознанию целостности идеологического феномена, связанного с государственным строительством, и, соответственно, постановке проблемы идеологии государственного строительства.
We study the problem of forming the genesis of the ideology of the state-building as a kind of theoretically grounded practical consciousness; found that the second half of the XIX century affirmed clearly identified during the study of this problem; the need for the development of an independent Ukrainian state determines the activation of the relevant research areas in science and philosophy that brings the social sciences, social and philosophical thought to realize the integrity of the state building ideological phenomenon and, consequently, of the problem of the ideology of state-building.It is noted that the second half of the XIX century to the present is gradually gaining momentum clearly identified during the research on formation of the ideology of the state-building. Belief in the state gradually are true democratic values and ideals that formed a model of democracy as a civilized form of public-political life of modern society, created the concept for the spiritual development of the type state. Existing in the social reality of the relationship between individual and public interests leads at a specified time of formation and competition of classical and non-classical paradigms of power. Along with the understanding of the essential aspects of state building is state ideology and ideological understanding. If during the XX century for the representative of the philosophical and social science concepts in understanding the Western ideological phenomenon was characterized by generally focus on the lower level of everyday social consciousness, for the representatives of Ukrainian and Soviet philosophy and science, social thought socialist countries - the higher theoretical level of consciousness. At the end of the last century the need to develop an independent Ukrainian state determines the activation of relevant research areas in science and philosophy of the post-Soviet era. The presence of traditional philosophical and scientific trends - the dominance of the Marxist approach to understanding the state and nation, as well as in understanding the ideological orientation phenomena at a higher theoretical level of social consciousness, brings national social science, state-social-philosophical view to the realization of a kind of integrity marked phenomenon that we interests, and thus of the problem of ideology of state-building. Core, the core of the problem field definite ideology is the problem of its formation. Its effective solution will produce a clear algorithm for ordering problems state building ideological phenomena in a transforming society (modern Ukrainian society).Given the lack of modern philosophical and social science fundamental space research projects on issues shaping the ideology of the state-building, must soon solve several blocks of issues that are relevant to the problem, and that is usually left unattended researchers. These include the following: theoretical and methodological aspects of social and philosophical study the above problem, the formation of the ideology of the state-building, the natural character of the ideology of state-building, the state and the main determinants of optimization of ideology of state-building in Ukrainian society during its transformation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE