Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Constitutional State; No. 49 (2023); 20-28
Правовое государство; № 49 (2023); 20-28
Правова держава; № 49 (2023); 20-28
ISSN: 2411-2054
Popis: The article analyzes the role of advocacy and the functioning of advocacy in the system of public legal relations. The need to determine the appropriate role of the legal profession in the system of public legal relations is determined by the nature and development of the legal profession in the conditions of economic and political transformations taking place in the country, the intensification of political and legal life, and the emergence of new aspects of the life of society. The principled positions and evaluations made in the study are conditioned by modern theoretical views on advocacy as a non-state, independent, self-governing institution that aims to implement the constitutional guarantee of providing qualified legal assistance, court representation and protection. The performance of these functions requires establishing the status of sufficient autonomy of the bar, a certain level of its independence from state authorities, and the development of bar self-governance. The relevance of the researched topic is that in the Ukrainian doctrine of administrative law, the approach to understanding the essence of public-law relations is changing and there is a need for its modernization, which would allow directing the activities of the subjects of power, during the performance of the functions assigned to them, in the direction maximum provision and promotion of the rights and freedoms of the citizen. It is the lawyer's activity and the lawyer's participation in public legal relations that are an important element in the system of protection of legal rights and freedoms of citizens. At the same time, in order to implement his human rights activities, the role of the lawyer himself in the field of public legal relations should be regulated by legislative norms. The bar plays a significant role in the field of public legal relations and is designed to contribute to the protection of the legal interests of citizens, primarily of this society and the state, it plays a fundamental role in observing and establishing the rule of law and human rights and freedoms. This is a complex manifestation of both state and public interest, because it is thanks to the legal profession that the legal state truly fulfills its duty to ensure the right and freedoms of its citizens. On the one hand, the activities of lawyers have a constitutionally determined and state-significant significance, and on the other hand, lawyers must be as independent as possible from the state in order to effectively protect citizens and legal entities from administrative arbitrariness. The bar, by its very nature, is a unique legal structure, the only organization that performs a public-legal function. On the contrary, the legal profession distances itself as much as possible from the state apparatus.
У статті здійснено аналіз ролі адвокатури та функціонування адвокатської діяльності в сфері публічних правовідносин. Необхідність визначення відповідної ролі адвокатури в сфері публічних правовідносин зумовлено природою та розвитком адвокатури в умовах економічних і політичних перетворень, що відбуваються в країні, активізацією політико-правового життя, появою нових аспектів життєдіяльності суспільства. Принципові позиції і оцінки, зроблені в дослідженні, зумовлені сучасними теоретичними поглядами на адвокатуру, як на недержавний, незалежний, самоврядний інститут, що має на меті реалізацію конституційної гарантії забезпечення кваліфікованої юридичної допомоги, судового представництва і захисту. Виконання цих функцій вимагає встановлення статусу достатньої автономії адвокатури, певного рівня її незалежності від органів державної влади, розвитку адвокатського самоврядування.
Databáze: OpenAIRE