Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Вісник Харківського національного автомобільно-дорожнього університету; № 99 (2022); 84
Bulletin of Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University; No. 99 (2022); 84
Вестник Харьковского национального автомобильно-дорожного университета; № 99 (2022); 84
ISSN: 2219-5548
DOI: 10.30977/BUL.2219-5548.2022.99.0
Popis: Problem. The article presents the results of studies of the impact of kinematics of earthmoving equipment on the process of vibratory soil cutting during trenchless laying of linear underground communications and drainage systems. From the conducted review, it was established that the basis of the technology is the formation of a narrow gap in the soil with the help of a knife working body. This process requires significant energy costs and traction efforts. The task of reducing them is important and urgent, both from a scientific point of view and from a practical position. Goal. The purpose of the study is to develop scientifically based recommendations on reducing the resistance of deep cutting of the soil by the knife working body due to its vibrational and oscillatory movements. Methodology. Theoretical studies are based on ideas about the theory of soil mechanics, the theory of mechanisms and machines, and the influence of vibration on work processes. Results. Based on the established value of the path and speed of movement of the knife working body at any moment of time from its oscillation frequency, amplitude at fixed values of the movement speed, the direction of oscillations is determined depending on the ratio of translational and vibrational speeds, for which two typical cases were considered. In the first case, the movement of the knife working body will always be translational and the process will resemble the "pressing" of a stamp with variable effort in a certain period of time. During the second movement of the equipment, in some time segments, the values of the movement of the edge may become the reverse, in the direction of the movement of the machine. That is, the cutting process in this case is similar to "chopping" with a frequency of blows equal to the frequency of the knife's oscillations. Analytical research on the known indicators of the soil cutting process efficiency found that a decrease in the translational speed simultaneously reduces the static cutting power, which can affect the total energy consumption of the process as a whole, taking into account the power consumption of the vibration mechanism drive. Practical meaning. The analysis of the influence of the kinematics of the working equipment on the processes of deep cutting of soil made it possible to obtain the conditions for the effective use of the vibration drive, which is aimed at reducing the traction force and the energy consumption of the process.
У статті наведені результати досліджень впливу кінематики обладнанням землерийних машин на процес вібраційного різання ґрунтів при безтраншейному прокладанні лінійно-протяжних підземних комунікацій та дренажних систем. Встановлено значення шляху і швидкості переміщення ножового робочого органу у будь-який момент часу від частоти його коливання, амплітуди при фіксованих значеннях швидкості руху та визначено напрям коливань залежно від співвідношення поступальної и вібраційної швидкостей. Зроблений аналізу впливу кінематики робочого обладнання на процеси глибокого різання ґрунтів надали можливості отримати умови ефективного використання вібраційного приводу, яке націлено на зниження тяглового зусилля та зменшення енерговитрат на процес.
Databáze: OpenAIRE