Autor: Hajkowska, Monika
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Людинознавчі студії: збірник наукових праць Дрогобицького ДПУ імені Івана Франка. Серія “Педагогіка”; № 5/37 (2017)
Human Studies: a collection of scientific articles of the Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Series of “Pedagogy”; № 5/37 (2017)
ISSN: 2313-2094
Popis: У статті висвітлено престижність професії домашнього вчителя, її популярність серед багатих мешканців Польщі упродовж ХІХ ст. Учителі повинні розуміти бар’єри, пов’язані з продуктивністю праці. Розкрито проблеми підготовки домашніх вчителів на сторінках педагогічної преси. Доведено, що найбільше проблем виникало у зрілому віці. В умовах відсутності пенсії, вчителі змушені заощаджувати упродовж усієї діяльності. Деякі з них стали членами різних асоціацій, які пропонували допомогу в останні роки життя.
В статье освещено престижность профессии домашнего учителя, ее популярность среди богатых жителей Польши на протяжении ХІХ века. Учителя должны понимать барьеры, связанные с производительностью труда. Раскрыты проблемы подготовки домашних учителей на страницах педагогической прессы. Доказано, что больше всего проблем возникало в зрелом возрасте. В условиях отсутствия пенсии, учителя вынуждены экономить на протяжении всей деятельности. Некоторые из них стали членами различных ассоциаций, которые предлагали помощь в последние годы жизни.
Home schooling was very popular among the families of the Kingdom of Poland in the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century. Therefore, there was a high demand for home teachers.The aim of the article is to present the issue of home tutorsʼ old age, inclusive of showing what possibilities they had to obtain pension benefits and in what way they secured their future. The basis source of this is memoir literature. Complementing this literature is the press of the researched period, especially family journals, printed on the territory of the Kingdom, as well as educational legislation and pedagogical publications.Tutoring in private homes only appeared to be an easy occupation, allowing for a comfortable life. Home teachers had to put a lot of effort into making the proverbial ends meet. Especially difficult moment came in the old age, when it was difficult to continue working, because age and, most of all, health did not allow it. Persons who had worked in this profession for many years could not have a well-deserved rest and rely on the pension from the authorities of the Kingdom of Poland, because they were not covered by the governmental pension law.Most people involved in home schooling had to independently save money to survive when professionally inactive, and thus live very frugally. Help to home teachers was offered by the institutions functioning on the territory of the Kingdom of Poland. Inter alia, they undertook to provide care for sick people, elderly and destitute, or those with no home. The press of the Kingdom of Poland largely contributed to raising awareness on this issue. On their pages, immediate actions were encouraged; appeals were made to influential figures to make every effort to solve this problem. It was not realised that these people – the teachers, after years of hard work, are met with so many troubles in which they are reliant only on themselves.
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