Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: ТHE SOURCES OF PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS; № 24 (2019); 71-75
Витоки педагогічної майстерності; № 24 (2019); 71-75
ISSN: 2075-146X
Popis: The article examines the genesis of historical aspects, as well as analyzes the main trends in the development of scientific perspectives on health conservation, highlighting and substantiating the basic stages of the formation of theoretical concepts of human health, the attitude of society to health problems that reflect the dynamic manifestation of human values. and needs.The main tendencies in the development of scientific perspectives on health and health saving activity are analyzed, the main stages of the theoretical concepts of health saving, which became the basis for the formation of the main aspects to the implementation of health saving technologies in education, are highlighted and substantiated. scientific analysis for many representatives of pedagogical science, as well as the attitude of society to the problems of health saving, which reflect the dynamic manifestation of human values and needs.In view of this, the purpose of the article is to study and analyze the main trends in the development of scientific perspectives on health and health conservation activities, highlight and justify the main stages of the theoretical concepts of human health in general, and the child in particular, society's attitudes toward health issues that reflected the dynamic manifestation of human values and needs.With regard to the genesis of historical aspects, as well as the analysis of major trends in the development of scientific perspectives on health conservation, a set of methods was used: theoretical methods: comparative analysis of psychological-pedagogical, philosophical and health-saving literature to summarize scientific facts regarding the development of health-saving activity in society ; retrospective analysis, scientific reflection to form a holistic view of the health phenomenon under study; empirical methods: diagnostic (sociological observations).Therefore, before society, there are qualitatively new requirements for the level and state of health of each person, which, first of all, was reflected in the requests to the education system in the organization of health care work. New aspects to the formation, preservation and enhancement of the health of students in educational institutions were based on the principles of a harmonious combination of the physical, intellectual, mental, social and spiritual development of the child. Theoretical and practical achievements of educators in the field of health saving have opened a new page in solving problems of realization of health saving technologies in educational institutions based on the principles of informatization of public life, and are essential for the development of modern aspects of health care in educational institutions.
У статті висвітлюється генезис історичних аспектів а також проводиться аналіз головних тенденцій у розвитку наукових поглядів на збереження здоров’я, виокремленні та обґрунтуванні основних етапів становлення теоретичних концепцій збереження здоров’я людини , ставленні суспільства до проблем здоров’язбереження, які віддзеркалюють динамічний прояв загальнолюдських цінностей і потреб.
Databáze: OpenAIRE