Міжпредметна інтеграція як засіб розвитку пізнавальної активності молодших школярів

Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Імідж сучасного педагога; № 3(204) (2022): Педагог – носій цінностей суспільства; 115-119
Image of the modern pedagogue; No. 3(204) (2022): The teacher is the bearer of the values of society; 115-119
Wizerunek współczesnego pedagoga; Nr 3(204) (2022): Педагог – носій цінностей суспільства; 115-119
ISSN: 2522-9729
DOI: 10.33272/2522-9729-2022-3(204)
Popis: This article presents the analysis of ways of activization of junior schoolchildren’s cognitive activity in the educational process of primary school. The topicality of the raised problem in the aspect of recommendations of the New Ukrainian school is substantiated. Features of cognitive activity of schoolchildren are described; its qualitative characteristics are determined; important issues that scientists and practitioners should resolve to increase its effectiveness are described as well. Many contradictions have been outlined; its resolution will contribute to the solution of the problem of developing cognitive activity in junior schoolchildren. Based on the research results of the noted problem in pedagogical science and practice, it is concluded that an appropriate means of forming the cognitive activity of schoolchildren is interdisciplinary integration. A discussion of the scientists who interpret and consider this scientific phenomenon ambiguously is presented. The personal positions of the authors concerning the peculiarities of the realization of integrated learning in the educational process of primary school are outlined. Different ways of integrating the content of primary education are identified, including integrated courses, integrated textbooks, integrated tasks and integrated lessons. There have also presented the examples of integrated courses, which according to the requirements of the New Ukrainian school are introduced into the educational process of primary schools on the basis of implementation of the ideas of thematic and activity approaches. The content of integrated lessons is characterized.It has been provedthat it's conducting activates the cognitive activity of junior schoolchildren. The main features of such lessons are non-traditional structure; logical relationship of educational material of several subjects; the subordination of presentation of educational material of several subjects to the single purpose of the lesson; informative capacity of the lesson; diversification of teaching aids; high activity of schoolchildren. This article presents the analysis of ways of activization of junior schoolchildren’s cognitive activity in the educational process of primary school. The topicality of the raised problem in the aspect of recommendations of the New Ukrainian school is substantiated. Features of cognitive activity of schoolchildren are described; its qualitative characteristics are determined; important issues that scientists and practitioners should resolve to increase its effectiveness are described as well. Many contradictions have been outlined; its resolution will contribute to the solution of the problem of developing cognitive activity in junior schoolchildren. Based on the research results of the noted problem in pedagogical science and practice, it is concluded that an appropriate means of forming the cognitive activity of schoolchildren is interdisciplinary integration. A discussion of the scientists who interpret and consider this scientific phenomenon ambiguously is presented. The personal positions of the authors concerning the peculiarities of the realization of integrated learning in the educational process of primary school are outlined. Different ways of integrating the content of primary education are identified, including integrated courses, integrated textbooks, integrated tasks and integrated lessons. There have also presented the examples of integrated courses, which according to the requirements of the New Ukrainian school are introduced into the educational process of primary schools on the basis of implementation of the ideas of thematic and activity approaches. The content of integrated lessons is characterized.It has been provedthat it's conducting activates the cognitive activity of junior schoolchildren. The main features of such lessons are non-traditional structure; logical relationship of educational material of several subjects; the subordination of presentation of educational material of several subjects to the single purpose of the lesson; informative capacity of the lesson; diversification of teaching aids; high activity of schoolchildren.
Представлено аналіз процесу формування пізнавальної активності молодших школярів в освітньому процесі початкової школи. Обґрунтовано актуальність порушеної проблеми в аспекті рекомендацій Нової української школи. Описано особливості пізнавальної діяльності учнів; визначено її якісні характеристики; окреслено важливі питання, які мають вирішити науковці та практики задля підвищення ефективності означеної діяльності. На основі аналізу результатів дослідження проблеми в педагогічній науці та практиці зроблено висновок про те, що доцільним засобом формування пізнавальної активності учнів виступає міжпредметна інтеграція. Представлено дискусію науковців, які тлумачать і розглядають означений науковий феномен неоднозначно. Окреслено особисту позицію авторів щодо особливостей реалізації інтегрованого навчання в освітньому процесі початкової школи.
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