Autor: TSINA, A.
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Ukrainian professional education; No. 2 (2017); 36-43
Українська професійна освіта=Ukrainian professional education; № 2 (2017); 36-43
ISSN: 2519-8254
DOI: 10.33989/2519-8254.2017.2
Popis: The article substantiates one of the defining strategic directions of the creation of a pan-European space of higher education for the improvement of teaching methods in accordance with the aspirations and opportunities of citizens. The contradictions of the theory and practice of organization of personally oriented education and education are analyzed. Personality orientation of professional training is determined by a system of ideas, goals and principles that explain the formation of the personality of the future teacher organized in a certain way, and also predict certain changes in time. In the definition of the conceptual foundations of the personally oriented training of technology teachers, the hypothesis that the acceptance of existing theoretical concepts and their trust in them are determined by the correspondence of observations on the practice of vocational training in higher education institutions to the explanations and forecasts of this preparation arising from the theoretical concepts is put forward.Relatively immutable features of the concepts of personal development developed by modern personality, which are manifested in the activities of teachers of various educational branches, in their professional development as individuals at different times, define structural concepts as hypothetical stable characteristics of the components of the theoretical concept of personally oriented teacher training: the concept of motivation; development concepts; conceptual basis for the study and explanation of crises and deviations in the professional formation of the future teacher of technology; concepts of professional maturity; the concept of adjusting deviations from the effective professional development of the individual. The result of personal self-development of a teacher, which integrates personal and activity experience, determines vocational and pedagogical competencies, the degree of possession of which determines the level of teacher qualification: subject (special or professionally oriented) competency of a narrow range of activities that ensure the implementation of professional tasks and functions; basic (superprofessional or socio-personal) competences of the average range of activities that determine the orientation in the field of specific professional functions and tasks of the educational system; key competencies of a wide range of functioning, which determine the general-cultural culture and orientation of the personality of the future teacher, personal professional-pedagogical adaptation and achieve positive personal and professional changes. The grounded cognitive, activity and personally oriented stages of the use of practice-tested models of education in the direction of gradual increase of the student's professional and student autonomy are grounded. For each stage of professional training, there are: phases of stability and critical phases, when there is a qualitative restructuring of the didactic interaction of teachers and students in the direction of the growth of cognitive autonomy of future technology teachers; the levels of self-regulation of educational and professional activity.
У статті розглянуто шляхи створення освітніх систем, зорієнтованих на всебічний розвиток особистості. Обгрунтовано сприйняття існуючих теоретичних концепцій становлення особистості студента відповідністю спостережень за практикою професійної підготовки у вищих навчальних закладах, адекватність тим поясненням і прогнозам самої підготовки, що випливає із теоретичних концепцій мотивації, розвитку, вивчення і тлумачення криз та відхилень, зрілості, коригування відхилень тощо. Результатом особистісного саморозвитку майбутніх учителів визначено предметні, базові та ключові компетентності. Виявлено когнітивний, діяльнісний та особистісно зорієнтований етапи й відповідні рівні саморегуляції у професійному становленні майбутнього вчителя технологій. Зроблено висновок про можливість прогнозування явищ професійно-педагогічної дійсності на засадах особистісної спрямованості процесу професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів технологій.
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