Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Сучасні проблеми Архітектури та Містобудування; № 63 (2022); 3-17
Current problems of architecture and urban planning; No. 63 (2022); 3-17
ISSN: 2077-3455
DOI: 10.32347/2077-3455.2022.63
Popis: There are several dozen historical-architectural or historical-cultural reserves in Ukraine, which were created to preserve the valuable historical environment. As a rule, on the territory of such nature reserves, we have a combination of objects of architectural and archaeological heritage. In the past, these objects could be significant complexes with fortifications, and several auxiliary buildings, some of which were objects of wooden architecture. Today, a large part of such objects is lost. We can give a list of the most famous ones – the reserve "Sofia Kyivska", "Davnii Halych", "Knyazhy Belz", the historical and archaeological reserve "Plisnesko", the historical and architectural reserve in the city of Zhovkva or the reserve in the city of Lutsk, and many others. As a rule, the planning of research and restoration-conservation works in such nature reserves takes place by successive selection of individual objects and efforts to bring them to a proper state and museumization. With this method of planning, the most important scientific component is lost – the study and assessment of the entire complex with its preserved and unpreserved objects (including archaeological and landscape elements). The recording of all the wealth of movable and immovable heritage on the territory of the reserve is also relevant. Such a selective method is due to the weak instrumental base of reserves and limited opportunities to attract relevant specialists. We believe that scientific activity and conservation and restoration work in such nature reserves should be based on a primary survey of the entire territory. A thorough and complete inventory of all archaeological sites on the territory must be carried out. In the article, we reveal the possibilities of research and inventory of the territory of historical and cultural reserves using modern instrumental non-invasive methods. The most problematic are the tasks of detection, inventory, and identification of objects of archaeological heritage. This task can be solved with the use of modern equipment and appropriate methods – ground-penetrating radar surveys, thermal imaging, exploratory drilling, the use of micro video cameras, aerial photography of the territory using a quadcopter, laser 3D scanning, etc. We present specific recommendations and proposals for the formation of a scientific research program for the territory of the "Davnii Halych" national reserve.
У статті розкриваємо проблему дослідження та інвентаризації території історико-культурних заповідників сучасними інструментальними неінвазійними методами. На території таких заповідників часто маємо поєднання об’єктів археологічної та архітектурної спадщини. Найбільш проблемними є завдання виявлення, інвентаризації та ідентифікації об’єктів археологічної спадщини. Це завдання може бути розв’язане із застосуванням сучасного обладнання та відповідних методів. Подаємо конкретні рекомендації та пропозиції щодо формування програми наукових досліджень для території національного заповідника «Давній Галич».
Databáze: OpenAIRE