Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Opera in linguistica ukrainiana; Том 2, № 26 (2019); 67-77
Записки з українського мовознавства; Том 2, № 26 (2019); 67-77
ISSN: 2414-0627
Popis: У статті розглянуто систему образів світу природи в ліриці В. Самійленка крізь призму поняття «образ-концепт». Виокремлено ключові елементи концептосфери природи, проаналізовано її ідейно-естетичну основу. Простежено вияв авторських концепцій у космічному, планетарному та національному вимірах художнього світу творів письменника.
В статье рассмотрено систему образов мира природы в лирике В. Самийленко через призму понятия «образ-концепт». Выделено ключевые элементы концептосферы природы, проанализировано её идейно-эстетическую основу. Отслежено проявление авторских концепций в космическом, планетарном и национальном измерениях художественного мира произведений писателя.
The article deals with the system of artistic images that makes the concept sphere of natural world in landscape and philosophic lyrics by Volodymyr Samiilenko (1864 – 1925). The term «image-concept» has been chosen for the analysis due to the existing researches in literary studies, linguistics and philosophy. This term is interpreted as polysemantic embodiment in verbal images the author's philosophical and artistic comprehension of being on different structural levels – from cosmic to individual.The formation of ideological and aesthetic bases of Volodymyr Samiilenko's works in the period of his entry into literary circles of populists was studied. It has been shown the influence of authoritative cultural persons on the writer's work, but at the same time this situation did not prevent the formation of his own original artistic conception of natural world.Key elements of the author's concept sphere of nature are analyzed. They are: images of celestial sphere (the sun, the moon, stars, the sky), that embody the author's view about the unity of life existence in the space as well as collective image of nature that is expressed through flora elements and landscape pictures. The most significant in the system is sun image («Spring», «The Eagle», «Regards to Bukovyna», «Evening song»), that symbolizes life energy, the source of inspiration. Its function in the image system of Volodymyr Samiilenko's lyrics is closely connected with spring motifs that are interpreted as spiritual reincarnation of the lyrical hero.We concluded that the writer embodies the idea of cosmic harmony and perfection into nature image (that is due to the original author's «God-universe» conception). He develops the creative principle, that in the concept sphere of Volodymyr Samiilenko's work is opposed to the destructive nature of man («Spring»).It was discovered that the creative imagination of the writer involves him on planetary and space scale. It was pointed out as well that in such works as «Spring songs», «Evening song», «That's a pity» and others the nature image shows a distinct Ukrainian colour, presenting an ethnic marker of the writer's creativity.It was concluded that the concept sphere of the natural world in Volodymyr Samiiylenko's lyrics makes out an original and innovative phenomenon. The images and motifs worked out by the author have been developed further on in the work of writers-modernists (Lesia Ukrainka, Olga Kobylianska, poets-symbolists) and remain relevant in our time as well.
Databáze: OpenAIRE