Autor: Trach, Iulia
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts Herald; № 3 (2015)
Вісник Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв; № 3 (2015)
Вестник Национальной академии руководящих кадров культуры и искусств; № 3 (2015)
ISSN: 2226-3209
Popis: In the article, given that understanding of the realities of the contemporary world largely depends on the correct interpretation of the relationship between culture and technology, the features of equipment, technology and industrial society in terms of their impact on culture. That refers to the need for the formulation of philosophical issues related to cultural analysis present stage of technological development as identify the nature of industrial society and its features, the information revolution and its impact on cultural processes in society, information technologies and their consequences for the development of culture, virtualization culture and so on.It is noted that, despite the thorough study of many scholars of technology as a determining factor of social development at different stages, technological civilization like the whole phenomenon, and high technology to date been insufficiently studied. Thus, the purpose of the article the cultural analysis of high technologies in the context of technological civilization.Noted that technology as vital for humankind as a universal means of satisfying every need, in the twentieth century. became one of the most important tools of culture. The basic characteristics of technology: technology is the artifact artificial entity specially made man; Technology is a tool that is always used as a means to meet the corresponding human needs; Technology is an independent reality, and it is opposed to nature, art, language, etc; technique is a specific way to use materials engineering, power and energy of nature; purposeful efficiency technology associated with the concept of technology. Attention is paid that difficulties analyzing the numerous and multifaceted interactions between society in general and technology fields due to the presence of different approaches to the definition of "technology". It is noted that in today's world is inseparable from the fundamental technique of the new parameter – metatehnology.Emphasized that sociocultural technology assessment, first of all, should provide the most optimal for society search options for further technological progress.According to the concepts V.S. Stepin, L. Mumford are values industrial society, including not only innovation and progress, but also a science that provides knowledge about the laws of change of objects and a special understanding of power and strength, not only the government man, and above all on objects. These values, according to V.S. Stepin, genome is a kind of technological civilization, its cultural and genetic code according to which it is reproduced and developed. Among the signs of our industrial society stated the following: it is built on certain values that are implemented throughout its existence; in its development it passes certain stages: genesis, development, prosperity, decline and death; within industrial society exist extraneous group with its own culture, which does not coincide with the basic culture of civilization.It is noted that the end of the twentieth century. to change the trend towards mechanization of any information flows came another: the evolution of software and hardware goes, but it has played a secondary role, and the human component of human-machine systems becomes decisive, because the fore social communication and organization of human activity. Among those singled out information technologies Humanities Technology (political, educational, etc.), computer simulation and data processing, as well as technologies that produce different types of virtual reality. They act as an effective way of implementing complex and multidimensional inner world of the modern individual.Emphasized that information technology is a component of spiritual culture, and, of course, have a semiotic nature; At the same time their technical features, such as instrumental and artificiality are often sidelined. This interpenetration of technology and culture, according to the author, the need for modification leads to culture in general, and as a result, there is a gradual change in the basic constants of human existence.The article also says these so-called high technology, the creation of which is a further development of the idea of the classic era of high-tech industry and STR is a single process consisting of three stages: 1) the discovery of innovative theoretical principles; 2) the creation of a prototype and implementation of technological tests; 3) constructive revision and organization of mass production of the new product. Determined their specific characteristics: 1) they initially focused on the integration of all components of technical operations in a single system, which also includes process control and quality control; 2) the extent of the functioning of material, energy and information flows is usually not possible to describe standard for a particular industry laws, therefore need new performance criteria; 3) high-tech products can quite easily integrate into surrounding human technosphere, so developers deploy their goals marketing campaigns to their proposed products meet the most advanced preferences "universal consumer society." It is typical for high technology fast enough and significant socio-cultural effect. In addition, high-tech self-initiate cultural effects of which can not be predicted in advance.The conclusions noted that technology is an important tool of culture, though it is trying to replace, and the suitability of technology for society depends on the culture that puts technology boundaries.
В статье раскрыты особенности техники, технологий и техногенной цивилизации с точки зрения их влияния на культуру, в частности приведены основные характеристики техники, указан ведущий метатехнологичный способ ее реализации, приведены ценности и признаки техногенной цивилизации, охарактеризованы информационные технологии как компонент духовной культуры человечества. Раскрыта сущность высоких технологий, осуществляющих значительное влияние на социокультурную сферу в процессе исторического развития, выяснены их специфические характеристики. Техника является важнейшим инструментом культуры, хотя и пытается ее подменить, а пригодность технологий для общества зависит от культуры.
У статті розкрито особливості техніки, технологій і техногенної цивілізації з точки зору їхнього впливу на культуру, зокрема наведено основні характеристики техніки, вказано на провідний метатехнологічний спосіб її реалізації, наведено цінності та ознаки техногенної цивілізації, охарактеризовано інформаційні технології як компонент духовної культури людства. Розкрито сутність високих технологій, які впливають на соціокультурну сферу в процесі еволюційного розвитку, з’ясовано їхні специфічні характеристики. Техніка є найважливішим інструментом культури, хоч і намагається її підмінити, а придатність технологій для суспільства залежить від культури, яка встановлює їх межі.
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