Basic forms of political protests of the precariat

Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: National Technical University of Ukraine Journal. Political science. Sociology. Law; № 2(42) (2019); 67-70
Вісник НТУУ "КПІ" Політологія. Соціологія. Право; № 2(42) (2019); 67-70
ISSN: 2308-5053
Popis: The formation of the precariat based on new forms of power and exploitation, which have become Central to the neo-liberal logic, according to which the organization of social and economic security requires instability as a way of life, undermining social justice and destroying the core of democracy itself. The unique political position of the precariat and the use of the precariat as a starting point for mobilization and collective alternative approaches.Organized by a network of labor collectives, students, migrant groups and other numerous social, political, economic and cultural movements, heterogeneous precariat in many European cities seeks to organize disparate political groups precariat on the day of the First of may and not only. During these protests, demands are made for universal rights for workers, open migration policies, and common basic income. EuroMayDay has an international orientation from the very beginning, aiming to mark precariousness as a transnational problem.On EuroMayday political performance and "carnival" methods of agitation (allegorical and symbolic posters, colorful actions, etc.) are used. The activists of this political movement understood this as a revival of the precariat may day traditions and, therefore, as a break with the traditional representation of trade unions and social democratic promises that allowed instability and social insecurity to spread freely, reaching critical levels throughout Europe.With the emergence of new forms of individualization and the closing of the potential for organization and collective struggle, traditional ways of uniting have become limited, and people have had to act outside the classical politics, trade Union representation and traditional notions of interest. No forms of lobbying or forms of representation for precarius groups. Thus, precast not only became a form of protest, but did just resistance to unstable conditions because they restrict collective solidarity and group views, and thus deny the democratic institutions.
статті розглядаються основні форми політичної боротьби прекаріату. Зазначається, що прекарні політичні групи використовують альтернативні форми політичної групової організації та новітні засоби протесту, які характеризуються використанням алегоричних і символічних форм. Ці форми яскраво проявляються під час парадів Першого травня.
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