To the question about the date of establishment of ukrainian state

Autor: Boiko, Ihor
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: ScienceRise: Juridical Science; № 1 (1) (2017); 19-31
ISSN: 2523-4145
Popis: The article analyzes the formation and development of early state formations in Ukraine, as well as the most important preconditions for the formation of the early Ukrainian princely state – Ukraine-Rus. Much attention is paid to the substantiation of the time when the Ukrainian state was founded, which keeps its official countdown from 838 AD – one of the first written references in the chronicle " Tale of past years". Particular attention is paid to the characteristics of the periods of Ukrainian state-building processes. It is substantiated that the Ukrainian people live for several thousand years on their historical land. For more than 1000 years, the Ukrainian people had their own statehood in various forms and due to unfavorable internal and external factors forced to fight for its revival. The Ukrainian state originates from the princely state of Ukraine-Rus, which had a significant influence on the political life of both Western European countries and neighboring Asian countries, as well as states that were of great importance in the trade system between Europe and Asia. Subsequently, the Galician-Volyn state was no less powerful than the embodiment of the state idea of the Ukrainian people. The creation of the Galician-Volyn state is an important stage in the history of Ukrainian statehood. This state has achieved significant political development and, in terms of economy and culture, has become one of the most advanced countries in the time of Europe. It is noted that the Ukrainian national revolution of 1917–1921 had an epochal historical significance. After a long historical period of russification, national and social enslavement at the beginning of the XX century. The Ukrainian people restored their independent state. At that time, Ukraine experienced various forms of national statehood: the Ukrainian People's Republic for the Central Rada, the Ukrainian state - the Hetmanate P. Skoropadsky, the Ukrainian People's Republic under the Directory, and the Western-Ukrainian People's Republic, but failed to maintain state independence. In the centuries-old history of the state-building of the Ukrainian people, the events associated with its liberation struggle of the early twentieth century have a truly historic significance.On August 24, 1991, Ukraine proclaimed the revival of its state independence. The proclamation by Ukraine of its state sovereignty was only the first, albeit a very important step on the path to a strong, democratic, rule of law. The development of this state is a difficult, long-lasting, problematic process in which Ukraine has a great state-building experience of historical development
У статті проаналізовано становлення та розвиток ранніх державних утворень на території України, а також найважливіші передумови утворення ранньої української княжої держави – України-Русі. Значну увагу зосереджено на обґрунтуванні часу заснування Української держави, яка веде свій офіційний відлік з 838 р. – однієї з перших письмових згадок у історичних джерелах. Особливу увагу приділено характеристиці періодів українських державотворчих процесів
Databáze: OpenAIRE