Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Youth & market; No. 3/211 (2023); 129-133
Молодь і ринок; № 3/211 (2023); 129-133
ISSN: 2308-4634
DOI: 10.24919/2617-0825.3/211.2023
Popis: The article substantiates the effectiveness of the application of a differentiated approach to the formation of emotional intelligence of future specialists in the fields of media education, pharmaceutical education and educational management. A conceptual line of research is implemented, which involves the implementation of a differentiated analysis of the theory of emotional intelligence and the determination of its potential for the formation of personal and professional qualities that correspond to the tasks and functional duties of specialists in the specified fields of knowledge. The first step of applying the proposed differentiated approach involves clarifying the professional requirements for the training of the future specialist defined in the regulatory documents, profile studios; the second step is to determine the components of emotional intelligence that will be most in demand in the performance of professional duties. Depending on the specifics and needs of the professional training of the future specialist, we singled out and creatively adapted individual components of the formation of emotional intelligence from the “Bar-On model”, which determines the level of formation of the emotional quotient based on the person’s mastery of 15 abilities; from the model of J.Meyer, P.Selovey and D.Caruso, we used a component that determines a person’s ability to recognize, analyze and manage their own emotions; from D.Goleman’s concept, we borrowed the position that determines the structure of emotional intelligence in the projection of the development of individual qualities of the personality. We have noted that specialists of these and other fields, who belong to the professional type “person – person”, despite the specifics of their professional activity, have similar components of emotional intelligence. That is why we believe that they should develop the ability to perceive and identify emotions; the ability to control one’s own personal emotional state; the ability to determine the reasons for the emergence of emotions and interpret the information embedded in them, etc.
У статті обґрунтовується ефективність застосування диференційованого підходу до формування емоційного інтелекту в майбутніх фахівців у галузях медіаосвіти, фармацевтичної освіти та освітнього менеджменту. Здійснено диференційований аналіз теорії емоційного інтелекту та визначено його потенціал щодо формування особистісних і професійних якостей, які відповідають завданням і функційним обов’язкам фахівців у зазначених галузях знань.
Databáze: OpenAIRE