Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Вісник Харківського національного автомобільно-дорожнього університету; № 94 (2021); 173
Bulletin of Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University; No. 94 (2021); 173
Вестник Харьковского национального автомобильно-дорожного университета; № 94 (2021); 173
ISSN: 2219-5548
DOI: 10.30977/BUL.2219-5548.2021.94.0
Popis: Problem. Possible implementations of thermal stabilization systems for traction batteries of electric vehicles are considered. The analysis of possibilities to increase the efficiency of using lithium-ion rechargeable batteries at the expense of their temperature stabilization is carried out. The influence of the temperature factor on the useful capacity of traction batteries is shown. The microcontroller system of temperature stabilization of double action with function of the timer allowing to establish prematurely a mode of both cooling, and heating of storage batteries is offered. Methodology. The methods of theoretical basic electrical engineering have been developed in the production and calculation of circuits as well as the classical methods of statistics of signals from ADC. Results. The technique of processing information from the current, voltage and temperature sensors using a mathematical apparatus without using harmonic analysis is presented. The hardware implementation of the proposed method allows the use of simplified computing tools. Originality. Complex analysis of the data obtained from the current, voltage and temperature sensors is carried out. During the analysis, the range of velocities with stable operation of the measurement system was determined. Based on the data obtained, it is concluded that the use of a horn antenna as a concentrator substantially eliminates lateral interference and extends the range of possible velocity measurements. It is shown that the level of sampling significantly affects the upper limit of the measurement temperature. Practical value. The following results were obtained: - minimizing the harmful effects of negative temperatures on the battery capacity is possible through the use of preheating; - the system of temperature stabilization should be performed with the possibility of reversing the mode of circulation of thermal energy; - simplification of the process of determining the temperature is possible due to indirect measurements of the internal resistance of the heater; - in the case of pulse-width control, the service life of the heaters increases, and the heating time is reduced at constant power consumption; - application of the microprocessor system allows to increase functionality and flexibility of adjustment of the heating unit under various traction batteries.
Розглянуто можливі реалізації систем термостабілізації тягових батарей електромобілів. Здійснено аналіз можливостей підвищення ефективності використання літій-іонних акумуляторних батарей завдяки їхньої температурної стабілізації. Доведено вплив температурного фактора на корисну ємність тягових акумуляторних батарей. Запропоновано мікроконтролерну систему температурної стабілізації подвійної дії з функцією таймера, що дозволяє передчасно визначати режим як охолодження, так і нагрівання акумуляторних батарей.
Databáze: OpenAIRE