Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Youth & market; No. 11/197 (2021)
Молодь і ринок; № 11/197 (2021)
ISSN: 2308-4634
DOI: 10.24919/2617-0825.11/197.2021
Popis: The article considers the theoretical and methodological guidelines for updating of the music art teachers’ professional training. In order to study the specifics of the future music art teacher on the example of the educational process of the Choral Conducting, Vocals and Methods of Music Education Department of Sumy Anton Makarenko State Pedagogical University there are identified the modern methodological approaches that contribute to the effectiveness of music art teachers professional training, namely: innovative approach, competence approach, humanistic approach, axiological approach, integrated approach, personality-oriented approach, acmeological approach, hermeneutic approach, in the context of which the characteristic features of theoretical and methodological guidelines for updating of music art teachers’ professional training are found. The substantiation of scientific and methodological approaches, essence and content in the educational process revealed that the leading place belongs to the future music art teachers’ professional training. It is proved that the crucial importance of the future music art teacher’s professional activity includes two factors – the mobile application of existing valuable knowledge and skills, modern forms and methods of applying information and communication technologies. Thus, the described methodological approaches have their own content and contribute to the renewal of the music art teachers’ professional training. Summarizing the above mentioned, it can be concluded that certain methodological approaches affect the quality and effectiveness of the educational process of the future music art teachers’ professional training. It was found that the theoretical and methodological basis in the music art teachers’ training on the example of the educational process of the Choral Conducting, Vocals and Methods of Music Teaching Department of Sumy Anton Makarenko State Pedagogical University affect the renewal of the Ukrainian educational system.
У статті розглянуто теоретко-методологічні орієнтири фахової підготовки учителя музичного мистецтва. На прикладі освітнього процесу кафедри хорового диригування, вокалу та методики музичного навчання навчально-наукового інституту культури і мистецтв СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка визначено сучасні методологічні підходи, які сприяють ефективності фахової підготовки майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва.
Databáze: OpenAIRE