Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Opera in linguistica ukrainiana; Том 2, № 26 (2019); 11-18
Записки з українського мовознавства; Том 2, № 26 (2019); 11-18
ISSN: 2414-0627
Popis: У статті узагальнено теоретичні і практичні напрямки сучасної лінгвостилістики, які відбивають зацікавлення авторів публікацій у науковому виданні Одеського національного університету імені І. І. Мечникова «Записки з українського мовознавства». Визначено ключові поняття досліджень, проведено зіставлення актуальних термінів із відомими реєстрами понять української лінгвостилістики.
В статье обобщены теоретические и практические направления современной лингвостилистики, которые отражают интересы авторов публикаций в научном издании Одесского национального университета имени И. И. Мечникова «Записки по украинскому языкознанию». Определены ключевые понятия исследований, проведено сопоставление актуальных терминов с известными реестрами понятий украинской лингвостилистики.
The article summarizes the theoretical and practical directions of modern linguistic stylistics, which reflect the interests of the authors of publications in the scientific publication of Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov "Notes on Ukrainian linguistics". The key research concepts are identified, the relevant terms are compared with known registries of Ukrainian linguistic stylistics concepts.The Ukrainian linguistic stylistics develops in a single paradigm of research into the functional and genre diversity of literary Slavic languages. Today, the most relevant are the directions of communicative-activity, communicative-pragmatic, anthropocentric, that is, subjectivized approaches to the texts created in literary linguistic practice. Researchers in the field of linguistic style are not separated from the expansion of research objects and level implementations of the linguistic structure in texts of different styles and genres, which broadens the presentation, knowledge of the system of language.The terminological apparatus of modern Ukrainian linguistic studies, as evidenced by the analysis of the scientific articles of the edition "Notes from Ukrainian Linguistics", has both stable paradigms and concepts that are used in a limited way, which become active and require the work of terminologists and specialists in the field of linguistic stylistics to polish their definitions, processing for the purpose of introduction from other integrated science systems in linguistics and corresponding codification.Therefore, the publication "Notes on Ukrainian Linguistics" is also an important source for us, reflecting modern approaches to the text, relevant directions of linguistic studies in the field of level stylistics, stylistics of artistic language, language of advertising, oral conversation practice. The Odessa edition is a mirror of the formation of the Ukrainian school of poetic onomastics, which was headed by Yu. O. Karpenko These aspects are the subject of our review.
Databáze: OpenAIRE