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At the Deliblato Sands, in the August 1996, on an area of 3.815 ha occurred disastrous fire. Burned up plantations of black locust, Austrian and Scotch pine, shrub, sand and steppe communities. In the aim of monitoring of vegetation succession the transect, size 20×30 m, was set at the habitat of burnt sand vegetation and juniper. The monitoring of dynamics and distribution of plant species in transect lasted from 1997. to 2001. years. In the first year after the fire there was formed pioneer sand community Corispermeto-Polygonetum arenariae Stjep.-Ves. 1953, and in the second year begins the formation of the sand community Festucetum vaginatae deliblaticum Stjep.-Ves. 1953. There were concluded the differences in the distribution of plant species at the microhabitats beneath the burnt juniper and on small dunes. . Na Deliblatskoj peščari, avgusta 1996. godine, na površini od 3.815 ha izbio je katastrofalni požar. Izgorele su kulture bagrema, crnog i belog bora, žbunaste, peščarske i stepske zajednice. U cilju praćenja sukcesije vegetacije postavljen je transekt veličine 20×30m na staništu opožarene peščarske vegetacije i kleke. Praćenje dinamike i distribucije biljnih vrsta u transektu je trajalo od 1997. do 2001. godine. Prve godine posle požara formirana je pionirska peščarska zajednica Corispermeto-Polygonetum arenariae Stjep.-Ves.1953, a u drugoj godini počinje da se formira peščarska zajednica Festucetum vaginatae deliblaticum Stjep.-Ves.1953. Konstatovane su razlike u distribuciji biljnih vrsta na mikrostaništima ispod izgorele kleke i na malim dinama. . null |