Emissions and air exposure of carcinogens and co-carcinogens in four Nordic countries

Autor: Fauser, Patrik, Plejdrup, Marlene Schmidt, Ketzel, Matthias, Hertel, Ole, Loft, S., Gidhagen, L., Omstedt, G., Skårman, T., Kittilsen, M., Walker, S-E., Schwarze, P., Karvosenoja, M., Kukkonen, J., Karppinen, A., Pukkala, E., Salonen, R.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Fauser, P, Plejdrup, M S, Ketzel, M, Hertel, O, Loft, S, Gidhagen, L, Omstedt, G, Skårman, T, Kittilsen, M, Walker, S-E, Schwarze, P, Karvosenoja, M, Kukkonen, J, Karppinen, A, Pukkala, E & Salonen, R 2014, Emissions and air exposure of carcinogens and co-carcinogens in four Nordic countries . Nordiske arbejdspapirer, Nordic Council of Ministers . https://doi.org/10.6027/NA2014-907
DOI: 10.6027/NA2014-907
Popis: This project (KoL 12-08) was performed for the Climate and Air Quality Group (KlimaogLuftgruppen, KoL), Nordic Council of Ministers by atmospheric emission, exposureand epidemiology experts from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Emission inventory methods and exposure models were presented. A list of carcinogenic andco-carcinogenic pollutants (particles, heavy metals and organic compounds) emittedfrom energy production, industrial activities, road transport, navigation, agriculture, residential heating and product use was compiled. Pollutant emissions levels for 2010and trends for 1990 to 2010 were compiled and discussed, and modelled andmeasured atmospheric concentrations for 2010 were compiled on regional, urbanand local scales. Nordic maps of emissions and air concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, NOx,NMVOC, benzene, BaP, dioxin, cadmium and nickel were compiled for allaggregated main sources, traffic and residential wood combustion. An overview of local studies on exposure for cities or communities with emphasis on wood combustion and traffic and a discussion of existing epidemiological studies on cancer and environment were given
Databáze: OpenAIRE