Constructed wetlands targeting nutrient removal in agricultural drainage discharge:A new cost-effective mitigation strategy in Denmark

Autor: Kjærgaard, Charlotte, Hoffmann, Carl Christian, Iversen, Bo Vangsø
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Kjærgaard, C, Hoffmann, C C & Iversen, B V 2019, ' Constructed wetlands targeting nutrient removal in agricultural drainage discharge : A new cost-effective mitigation strategy in Denmark ', LUWQ2019-Land use and water quality, Aarhus, Denmark, 03/06/2019-06/06/2019 pp. 174 . < >
Popis: Despite substantial efforts, the leaching of nutrients from agricultural land is still a serious and costly environmental problem in Denmark and elsewhere. The quality goals of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) for the aquatic environment require a substantial reduction of diffuse nutrient loads from agricultural land in Denmark. Tile drains connecting fields to receiving waters, constitute major subsurface highways for agricultural nutrient losses and end-of-pipe drainage filter solutions may offer the benefits of a targeted measure. The Danish innovation and research projects SUPREME-TECH 2010-2016 ( and iDRAIN 2011-2017 ( ) have provided the scientific basis for developing and implementing cost-effective drainage filter technologies technologies including surface-flow constructed wetlands (SF-CW) and subsurface flow constructed wetlands (SSF-CW) targeting N- and P-removal in agricultural subsurface drainage. Based on this research CWs have been accepted by the Danish Ministry for Environment and Agriculture as a new agro-environmental mitigation strategy in Denmark.A large number of CWs targeting nutrient losses in drainage water have been constructed in Denmark since 2010, and more than 1.500 CWs will be established in the coming years to full fill the specific nutrient reduction targets in Danish catchments for the present water plan period. This presentation presents the results from a recent analysis and evaluation of the function and efficiency of the first 25 Danish CWs constructed between 2010 and 2015. Results demonstrate the seasonal and annual variations in N and P removal efficiencies and the response to key controlling parameters including hydraulic loading rate (HLR), hydraulic residence time (HRT), temperature, CW age and characteristics, as well as site specific drainage chemistry including N and P concentrations and forms. Key parameters have been identified that allow optimization of future CW filters. Further the environmental impact and cost-efficiency of CWs on catchment scale is evaluated.
Databáze: OpenAIRE