Indoor air quality:Environment and Health in the EEA. Final report. Status report for the work done under the specific agreement

Autor: Jensen, Trine Susanne, Recevska, Ieva
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Jensen, T S & Recevska, I 2009, Indoor air quality : Environment and Health in the EEA. Final report. Status report for the work done under the specific agreement . European Environment Agency .
Popis: The objective of the 35th specific agreement is to provide support to the EEA activities in Environment and Health (E&H) on the topic of indoor air quality. The specific objectives have been to provide an overview of indoor air related projects in EU and indoor air related policies as well as idenfiying "good practices" to reduce health impact of indoor air exposure and suggest areas for future improvements.
Databáze: OpenAIRE