In/compatible Imagi(ni)ng:ideal reproduction and discrete signals

Autor: Kristensen, Thomas Bjørnsten
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Kristensen, T B 2012, ' In/compatible Imagi(ni)ng : ideal reproduction and discrete signals ', World of the News-The world’s greatest peer-reviewed newspaper of in/compatible research .
Popis: The article thematizes a certain logic of reproduction that follows from a point in art history where the construction of images became a process of assembling or coding discrete signals through systematic methods. A logic which is not concerned with imitation but with creating an interchangeable matrix for the structural distribution of units within a field of flux, across different formats, and independent of indexical relations to phenomenal objects and medium-bound materiality.
Databáze: OpenAIRE