Exploring the development of a model of cultural care for European Caring Sciences

Autor: Bach, Shirley, Uhrenfeldt, Lisbeth, Lundberg, Pranee, Law, Kate, Rosser, Elizabeth, Albarran, John
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Bach, S, Uhrenfeldt, L, Lundberg, P, Law, K, Rosser, E & Albarran, J 2011, ' Exploring the development of a model of cultural care for European Caring Sciences. ', Paper presented at EACS Conference May 5th 2011. Theme: Knowledge for caring science – Directions and options. University of Borås, Sverige., Borås, Sweden, 05/05/2011-06/05/2011 .
Databáze: OpenAIRE