Bromo-Dragonfly poisoning of 18-year-old male

Autor: Nielsen, Visti Torbjørn, Høgberg, Lotte Christine Groth, Behrens, Jens Kristian
Jazyk: dánština
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Nielsen, V T, Høgberg, L C G & Behrens, J K 2010, ' Bromo-Dragonfly-forgiftning af 18-årig mand ', Ugeskrift for Laeger, bind 172, nr. 19, s. 1461-2 .
Popis: Bromo-Dragonfly (BDF) is a designer drug chemically related to LSD and amphetamine. The first registration in Denmark was in October 2007. In the present case an 18-year-old man ingested about 2 ml BDF and developed acute psychosis. At the hospital the patient displayed, hyperpyrexia, tachycardia, tachypnea and hypertension. Because of severe hallucinations and agitation the patient was detained at the hospital and received symptomatic treatment with large doses of benzodiazepines. Four days after hospitalization, the patient discharged himself without significant symptoms or paraclinical findings.
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