A novel method to visualize local variation of LD and persistence of phase for 3 Danish pig breeds

Autor: Wang, Lei, Sørensen, Peter, Janss, Luc, Ostersen, T, Edwards, David
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Wang, L, Sørensen, P, Janss, L, Ostersen, T & Edwards, D 2013, A novel method to visualize local variation of LD and persistence of phase for 3 Danish pig breeds . in Book of Abstracts of the 64th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production . 2013 edn, vol. 19, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherland, pp. 174, 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Anmal Science, Nantes, France, 26/08/2013 .
Databáze: OpenAIRE