Epigenetic variation, phenotypic heritability, and evolution

Autor: Furrow, Robert E., Christiansen, Freddy Bugge, Feldman, Marcus W.
Přispěvatelé: Naumova, Anna, Greenwood, Celia
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Furrow, R E, Christiansen, F B & Feldman, M W 2014, Epigenetic variation, phenotypic heritability, and evolution . in A Naumova & C Greenwood (eds), Epigenetics and Complex Traits . Springer, New York, pp. 233-246 . https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-8078-5_1
Popis: Familial aggregation of complex diseases may have many causes inaddition to and apart from genetic predisposition due to common ancestry. Forexample, exposure to an environment that induces susceptibility to a disease mayproduce similar familial aggregations when the environment is shared by familymembers. In general, according to the principles of (Johannsen 1903), the emergenceof a disease phenotype is the result of the combined effects of the genotype ofthe individual and the environment that it experiences during development. Theheritability of a disease is a measure of familial aggregation in terms ofthe covariances among family members relative to the variance in disease state inthe general population. Thus heritability expresses the within-family resemblance,observed by Darwin and inferred by him to reflect inheritance, which formed thecore of his (Darwin 1859) theory of evolution. Darwin’s inspiration originated fromthe practical use of family resemblance in animal breeding. Animal breeders havelong known that a major obstacle to progress in genetic improvement is theinteraction between familial aggregation of environments and the effects of similargenetics within families. The potential importance of this interaction, recognized inclassical studies of the genetic epidemiology of complex diseases and other quantitativecharacters, has reemerged in studies of the effects of epigeneticmodifications, their variation, and their transmission between generations.
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