'To trust or not to trust?' False friends and true enemies in EFL

Autor: Boutsouki, Eleni, Patsala, Paschalia, Michali, Maria
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Selected papers on theoretical and applied linguistics; Τόμ. 24 (2022): Selected Papers on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics from 24th ISTAL, Thessaloniki 2-4 October 2020; 161-179
ISSN: 2529-1114
Popis: This study examines Greek learners’ awareness of English-Greek False Friends (FF), i.e. lexical items that display semantic differences despite bearing morpho-phonological resemblance. Exploring whether FF constitute a hindrance or a facilitating factor in EFL, the authors conducted a study with 63 Greek adult learners of English. Twenty-five pairs of words (excluding distractors) were employed in two written tasks to examine learners’ performance in correlation with their English language proficiency. Findings suggest that subjects faced significant difficulties in FF recognition, while they performed better in identifying FF etymologically related to their L1. Moreover, L2 competence did not prove to affect systematically respondents’ performance.
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