Effects of short-term reserpine treatment on generalized and focal dystonic-dyskinetic syndromes

Autor: Raffaele R, Patti F, Sciacca A, Agostino PALMERI
Rok vydání: 1988
Zdroj: Europe PubMed Central
ISSN: 0393-5264
Popis: We report that low dose reserpine treatment (0.25 mg/day for 7 days) improves the dystonic-dyskinetic disability score in patients affected by idiopathic dystonias, iatrogenic dystonic-dyskinetic syndromes and Sydenham's chorea. The results support the idea that the particular antidopaminergic activity exerted by reserpine or other dopamine-depleting agents may produce good therapeutical efficacy, although reserpine can precipitate Parkinsonism and induce dopamine-receptor supersensitivity.
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