DNA Elution and Amplification by Polymerase Chain Reaction from Dried Blood Spots

Autor: Carducci, C, Ellul, L, Antonozzi, I, Pontecorvi, Alfredo
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1992
Popis: A quick, sensitive and easily automatizable method for PCR amplification of genomic DNA eluted from dried blood spots is described. DNA is eluted from a 3-mm spot routinely used for neonatal screening of inherited diseases either by boiling or by sonication. A preliminary and brief spot-autoclaving step is mandatory to ensure optimal and reproducible PCR amplifications. Only 1% of the eluted DNA is required for PCR analysis allowing the execution of multiple genetic tests on the same blood spot. The method has been successfully applied to the detection of a known phenylketonuria-causing mutation and will facilitate the analysis of the genetic repository provided by Guthrie's cards stored in neonatal screening laboratories.
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