Autor: Jadranka, Kovacević, Tamara, Sinozić
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Acta medica Croatica : Časopis Akademije medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske
Volume 68
Issue Suplement 1
ISSN: 1848-8897
Popis: Holistički pristup kao filozofska orijentacija skrbi podupire temeljnu cjelovitost ljudskog bića i naglašava važnost ravnoteže u osobi i između osobe i njene okoline. Uključuje elemente fiziološkog, sociološkog, ekonomskog, psihološkog i duhovne dimenzije i tako pruža mogućnost zbrinjavanja bolesnika kao cjeline u odnosu na njegov životni kontekst. takav integrirani pristup je dio temeljnih znanja i vještina liječnika opće/obiteljske medicine i čini ga ravnopravnim članom multidisciplinarnog tima u skrbi za bolesnika s kroničnom ranom. Prikazom bolesnika s potkoljeničnim vrijedom miješane etiologije pokušat ćemo približiti holistički pristup u skrbi za takvog bolesnika u svakodnevnom radu liječnika opće/obiteljske medicine.
Holistic approach as the philosophical orientation to care underpins the fundamental wholeness of human being and emphasizes the importance of balance within the person and between the person and his/her environment. It includes elements of the physiological, sociological, economic, psychological and spiritual dimensions, and thus provides an opportunity to assess the patient as a whole and in relation to his/ her living context. Such an integrated approach is part of the basic knowledge and skills of general practitioners/family doctors and makes them equal members of a multidisciplinary team in chronic wound patient care. In this case report on a patient with mixed leg ulcer, we will try to bring closer holistic approach in care for this kind of patients in daily practice of general practitioners/family doctors.
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