[Long-term results of balloon dilatation in the treatment of esophageal achalasia]

Autor: Sa, Kondrashin, Vs, Yurtsev, Lv, Chistov, Yurii Ablitsov
Zdroj: Europe PubMed Central
Popis: 25 patients (aged from 32 to 58 years) with achalasia of the esophagus during 1985-1997 years underwent balloon dilatation of the esophagus. 18 patients had stage IV, 5--stage III and 2--stage II of the disease. Mean diameter of the stricture's area in the esophagus made up. 7.2 +/- 2.0 mm. Balloon dilatation was performed in 4 patients by 2-4 balloons d = 10 mm in one stage, and in the test patients by balloon "Rigiflex" d = 40 mm. 2-3 procedures were carried out with the interval 7-10 days. In all cases balloon dilatation was successful. Mean diameter of the esophageal lumen after dilatation has increased to 16.0 +/- 2.5 mm. In 2 patients with IV stage of the disease relapse was detected within 6-8 months. 5 year follow-up results were satisfactory in 4 patients, from 5 to 10 years--in 14 patients, and over 10 years--in 5 patients. Prolonged clinical follow-up (for 7.5 years) demonstrated complete absence of dysphagia and normal regime of nutrition. Balloon dilatation is safe, available and effective method of nonoperative treatment for achalasia of the esophagus.
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