[The frequency of lesions to molar furcations in patients with periodontal disease]

Autor: Miljenko Bačić, Ante Domić, Jozo Šutalo
Rok vydání: 1986
Zdroj: Acta stomatologica Croatica : International journal of oral sciences and dental medicine
Volume 20
Issue 4
ISSN: 0001-7019
Popis: Molari su zubi koji se najčešće ekstrahiraju u bolesnika s neliječenom parodontnom bolesti. Premda je parodontnom terapijom moguće uspješno tretirati i zadržati u funkciji dugi niz godine višekorjene zube s oštećenim furkacijama, ipak su terapijski neuspjesi kod njih češći nego na jednokorjenim zubima. Kako ne postoje jedinstvena stanovišta o učestalosti lezija u području račvališta, svrha rada je ustanoviti prevalenciju ovih oštećenja obzirom na tip zuba, stupanj oštećenja kod pojedinih grupa zubi te komparirati kliničke i rendgenske nalaze. Za tu svrhu pregledan je 91 parodontni bolesnik, prosječne dobi 41.7 god. Ukupno je ispitano 546 molara i to 294 u gornjoj i 252 u donjoj čeljusti. Oštećenje račvališta klinički je registrirano u 48.9% molara u obje čeljusti, dok je na ortopantomogramu to bilo moguće registrirati u samo 16.1% slučajeva. Najčešće se oštećenje moglo registrirati na prvim gornjim, zatim drugim gornjim molarima.
Molars are the most frequently extracted teeth in patients with untreated periodontal disease. Although multirooted teeth with damaged furcations have been successfully treated and functionally preserved for many years by means of periodontal therapy, therapeutical failures have been more frequently observed than in singleroated teeth. As there is no unanimous opinion concerning the frequency of lesions in the furcation region, the aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of these lesions in relation to the types of teeth and the degree of damage in particular groups of teeth, and to compare the clinical and roentgenographic findings obtained. Ninety-one periodontal patents, mean age 41.7 years, were examined for this purpose. In total, 546 molars, 294 in the upper jaw and 252 in lower jaw, were examined. A lesion to the furcation was clinically recorded in 48.9% of molars in both jaws, whereas by means of orthopantomography the same could be visualized in 16.1% of cases only. Most commonly, a lesion was seen to have affected the first upper and second upper molars.
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