Synchrony of nutrient supply to the rumen and dietary energy source and their effects on the growth and metabolism of lambs

Autor: Jm, Richardson, Rg, Wilkinson, Liam Sinclair
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Europe PubMed Central
ISSN: 0021-8812
Popis: The objective of the current series of experiments was to assess the effects of dietary synchrony of OM and N supply to the rumen, achieved by altering the sequence of feeding individual ingredients and in diets with different energy sources, on the metabolism and performance of growing lambs. In Exp. 1, the in situ degradability coefficients of OM and N were determined for five feed ingredients and subsequently was used to formulate two diets, based either on barley or sugar beet pulp, to have a similar predicted nutrient content. Within each diet, specific ingredients were shifted between the 0900 and 1600 feeding to provide either a synchronous, intermediate, or asynchronous supply of OM and N to the rumen. In Exp. 2, these diets were fed at a restricted level to 48 growing lambs with an initial live weight of 25.1 +/- 4.22 kg and a slaughter weight of 41.4 +/- 1.94 kg. There was no significant effect of dietary treatment on live weight gain or feed conversion efficiency. Lambs fed the synchronous diets deposited more kidney knob and channel fat than lambs on the asynchronous or intermediate diets (P0.05), whereas lambs fed the barley-based diets deposited more carcass (P0.05) and noncarcass (P0.001) fat than lambs on the sugar beet-based diets. Lambs fed the asynchronous diets retained less energy over the course of the experiment than lambs on the intermediate or synchronous diets (P0.05), and had a lower energy efficiency (0.079, 0.097, and 0.093 MJ retained/ MJ of intake, respectively, P0.05). Lambs fed the barley-based diets retained more energy than lambs on the sugar beet-based (P0.001) and had a higher energy balance (0.095 vs. 0.084 MJ retained/MJ intake, respectively; P0.01). Plasma ammonia concentrations mirrored ruminal ammonia concentrations on the barley-based diets, but not sugar beet-based diets. In Exp. 3, lambs fed the sugar beet-based diets had a higher digestibility of OM and NDF (P0.001). By contrast, lambs on the barley-based diets had a higher level of purine derivative excretion and microbial N production (P0.001). The results indicate that neither dietary synchrony nor energy source significantly influenced growth rate. However, both the asynchronous and sugar beet pulp-based diets resulted in a lower efficiency of dietary energy use, and the avoidance of asynchronous patterns of nutrient release within the rumen can improve energy efficiency in growing lambs.
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