[What General/Family Medicine Practitioner should Know about Viral Hepatitis]
Rok vydání: | 2016 |
Předmět: | |
Zdroj: | Acta medica Croatica : Časopis Akademije medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske Volume 70 Issue 2 |
ISSN: | 1330-0164 1848-8897 |
Popis: | Virusni hepatitis je sistemska bolest koja predominantno zahvaća jetru. Danas ih dijelimo prema uzročniku na virusni hepatitis A, B, C, D i E te prema trajanju na akutni i kronični. Iako je klinička slika kod svih hepatitisa slična, posebni javnozdravstveni problem je sklonost pojedinih virusa da uzrokuju kronične oblike bolesti s teškim posljedicama. U kliničkoj slici dominira umor, mučnina, smanjeni apetit, subfebrilitet, gađenje prema cigaretama dok se u statusu najčešće nalaze povećana jetra i slezena, adenopatija i nerijetko žutica. U osnovnim laboratorijskim nalazima nađu se povišeni jetreni enzimi aspartat aminotransferaza (AST) i alanin aminotransferaza (ALT), alkalna fosfataza (AP), a kod kroničnog oblika i laktat dehidrogenaza (LDH). Za dokazivanje pojedinog etiološkog entiteta nužni su serološki testovi. Uloga liječnika opće/obiteljske medicine je u provođenju preventivnih mjera kao što su edukacija i cijepljenje, u prepoznavanju pacijenata s povećanim rizikom od obolijevanja od virusnih hepatitisa, u prvom redu HBV i HCV, te u provođenju odgovarajuće dijagnostike – osnovnih laboratorijskih i seroloških pretraga. Nakon utvrđivanja bolesti potrebno je poduzeti sve odgovarajuće mjere (podrška, edukacija, praćenje) kako bi se izbjegla kronifi kacija bolesti. Kod obolijevanja od kroničnog hepatitisa potrebno je u konzultaciji s infektologom i/ili gastroenterologom provesti liječenje i praćenje pacijenta do zalječenja. Ako se utvrdi daljnja progresija bolesti (ciroza/hepatocelularni karcinom) potrebno je daljnje praćenje pacijenta te konzultacija specijaliziranih centara u vezi daljnjeg liječenja, u prvom redu transplantacije jetre. Viral hepatitis is a systemic disease that predominantly affects the liver. The most common causes of viral hepatitis are five hepatotropic viruses A, B, C, D and E; according to duration, it can be acute or chronic. Although clinical course of all viral hepatitides is similar, particular problem is predisposition of hepatitis B and hepatitis C to cause chronic forms of illness with severe outcome such as cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma and liver failure. Clinical features include malaise, nausea, anorexia, low grade fever, aversion to smoking, and in clinical status usually we can fi nd hepatomegaly, and seldom splenomegaly with adenopathy and jaundice. Generally, symptoms are very variable, from usually asymptomatic to fulminant, which in most cases have lethal outcome. There are three stages in acute phase of viral hepatitis: prodromal, icteric and convalescence. Standard laboratory tests show elevated values of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase in acute phase of hepatitis and elevated lactate dehydrogenase in chronic phase. Serum protein electrophoresis usually shows decreased albumin fraction and albumin/globulin ratio, as well as increased bilirubin level, positive urobilinogen and disturbance in coagulability factors, i.e. marked prolongation of prothrombin time. For etiology of each virus, series of serologic tests are used. In hepatitis A, acute phase of disease is characterized by IgM anti-HAV and presence of IgG anti-HAV indicates previous exposure. In hepatitis B, appearance of HBsAg in serum is the first evidence of infection and recovery is connected with appearance of anti-HBsAg along with IgG anti HBcAg. Active forms of chronic hepatitis B are characterized by active virus replication, which can be measured with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) HBV DNA. Diagnosis of hepatitis C is based on detection of antibodies to HCV (anti-HCV). Generally, it signifi es that HCV infection is present but that diagnostic tool is poor for the phase of disease. In these circumstances, diagnosis of hepatitis C may be confi rmed by using an assay for HCV RNA. First line therapy in acute phase is mostly supportive, i.e. bed rest, appropriate diet including palatable meals as tolerated, without overfeeding. Alcohol and hepatotoxic agents (for example, paracetamol, amoxicillin, ketoconazole) should be avoided. In cases with increased tendency of developing chronic forms of hepatitis and complications (cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma), immunomodulators should be administered, e.g., interferon and/or antiviral agents. The role of family physician/general practitioner is in maintaining preventive measures (vaccination) and education of general population. Special attention needs to be paid to screening and educating high risk patients with respect to proper diagnostics, laboratory and serologic tests. After establishing the diagnosis, all relevant measures should be taken to avoid chronifi cation of disease. In case of chronic hepatitis, consultation with infectious disease specialist and/or gastroenterologist is needed in the treatment and follow up of the patient. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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