Microbial biodiversity of natural toothbrushes in Mali

Autor: Sogodogo, E, Doumbo, O, Kouriba, B, Aboudharam, Gérard
Přispěvatelé: Microbes évolution phylogénie et infections (MEPHI), Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université des Sciences, des Techniques et des Technologies de Bamako (USTTB), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU), University of Science, Techniques, and Technologies [Bamako, Mali]
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: New Microbes and New Infections
New Microbes and New Infections, 2021, 40, pp.100844. ⟨10.1016/j.nmni.2021.100844⟩
New Microbes and New Infections, Vol 40, Iss, Pp 100844-(2021)
New Microbes and New Infections, Wiley Online Library 2021, 40, pp.100844. ⟨10.1016/j.nmni.2021.100844⟩
ISSN: 2052-2975
Popis: International audience; Different oral hygiene practices are used to overcome endemic diseases such as dental caries and oral infections. In Mali (Africa), natural plant-based toothbrushes are used for eliminating bacterial biofilm. The repertoire of microorganisms associated with natural toothbrushes is unknown. The aim of our study is to study microbial flora in particular the methanogenic archaea associated with natural toothbrushes recently recognized as responsible for periodontitis and peri-implantitis. We investigated the methanogens and bacteria associated with 15 different natural plant toothbrushes collected in Bamako local market (Mali). Microbiological investigations consisted in culturing the bacteria on agar plates and searching archaea using molecular techniques. No archaea were demonstrated by molecular biology but 50 bacterial species, including 33 aero-anaerobic and 17 aerobic species, were isolated from natural toothbrushes. We isolated Pseudomonas sp., Staphylococcus sp. and Klebsiella pneumoniae, which are acknowledged as opportunistic human pathogens. This study has highlighted the likely impact of the use of natural toothbrushes in the spread of potentially pathogenic bacteria in the human oral cavity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE