[Focal proliferation in reactive hyperplastic parathyroid tissue in end-stage renal failure--implication for autotransplantation after total parathyroidectomy]

Autor: Hörandner H, Mürzl E, Neyer U, Breiteneder-Geleff S, Bruno Niederle, Haid A, Breitfellner G
Jazyk: němčina
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Europe PubMed Central
ISSN: 0043-5325
Popis: Total parathyroidectomy with simultaneous autotransplantation may be associated with recurrence of graft-dependent hyperfunction due to excessive proliferation. We performed macroscopic tissue selection with a stereomicroscope prior to autotransplantation, which resulted in very low recurrence rates. As this technique greatly depends on experience, we investigated the possibility of additionally using proliferation staining (PCNA, MIB-1) for the detection of dysfunctional tissue. Selected tissue from 26 patients was investigated. Serial sections of freshly removed parathyroid tissue were correlated with their macroscopic appearance, HE and immunohistochemically stained paraffin sections, and with semithin Epon sections. The asymptotic growth mode of clonal proliferating regions was reflected by highest staining intensity (1-5%) in small to medium sized foci (diffuse, up to 3 mm in diameter) and very low staining in large areas (diffuse or nodular, 5-15 mm in diameter, from 0.03 to 0.003% positive cells). Thus, very large dysfunctional regions with (almost) no proliferation could not be detected by this method. However, they were very evident on macroscopic investigation. In conclusion, multiple fulminant recurrence after parathyroidectomy can be prevented by selecting tissue after proliferation staining. This may allow a delayed autotransplantation after total parathyoidectomy for those surgeons lacking experience in macroscopic tissue classification.
Databáze: OpenAIRE