[Structure and function of the arteries of very elderly people. The PROTEGER Study (Cardiovascular Prognosis and Therapeutic Optimization in Geriatrics)]

Autor: Blacher J, Iaria P, Safar H, Le Dudal K, Annick Fontbonne, Henry O, Meaume S, Girerd X, Ducimetière P, Safar M
Zdroj: Europe PubMed Central
Popis: The purpose of PROTEGER, a multicenter prospective observational study, was to determine the contribution of hemodynamic, arterial, echocardiographic and biological parameters to the evaluation of individual cardiovascular risk in the elderly. The study included patients aged over 70 years hospitalized in geriatric units with overt cardiovascular disease. Cross sectional analysis of the first 194 subjects included in the study demonstrated a high rate of arterial alterations involving both structure and function. The principal alterations observed were: high pulse pressure despite normal mean systolic and diastolic pressures, frequent and diffuse arterial calcifications, reduced compliance and distensibility, increased thickness, diameter and incremental elastic modulus of the carotid and increased pulse wave velocity. Analysis of monitoring results in the PROTEGER study will demonstrate the role of hemodynamic measurements and arterial alterations in the prediction of cardiovascular risk in hospitalized elderly.
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