[Regeneration processes in bone defects after implantation of composite material of different density of polylactide origin filled with HAP (experimental-morphological study)]

Autor: Anatoliy Kulakov, As, Grigor Ian, Li, Krotova, Vk, Popov, Ai, Volozhin, Vf, Losev
Zdroj: Europe PubMed Central
Popis: In experimental-morphological study on 6 dogs the dynamics of regenerate formation in ulna and mandible defects after implantation in them composite material of different density (0.46-0.50 and 0.38-0.42 g/cm(3)) of polylactide (PL) origin filled with HAP was followed at the terms of 6 and 9 months. Histologic study and structural determinant distribution analysis in the content of regenerate showed that optimal results according to the bone defect substitution by bone regenerate criterion at 9th month of the experiment were received after composite material from PL and HAP with the density of 0.38-0.42 g/cm(3) implantation. Newly formed trabecular bone tissue was seen in the regenerate and as well as strong tendency for bone matrix maturation. It was confirmed by the appearance of lamellar structures in newly formed bone trabecules situated in peripheral zones of bone defect. In bone mandible defects the substitution process of the implants from PL with HAP by the bone tissue was much slower than in ulna defects.
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