[Effect of localization of the ectopic excitation site on the sequence and duration of depolarization in the ventricular epicardium in dogs]

Autor: Dn, Shmakov, Kk, Mostivenko, Irina Roshchevskaya
Zdroj: Europe PubMed Central
Popis: The depth of the myocardial wall ectopic focus was found to affect spatial and temporal characteristics of the depolarization process in the heart ventricular surface. Duration of the ventricular epicardial depolarization under the ectopic foci located in subendocardial and intramural layers of the myocardium was shorter than in epicardial stimulation of the ventricles. A dependence of the ectopic excitation duration on the pacing site localization in the epicardium, was revealed. The shortest duration of the depolarization occurred under electrical stimulation of the apex and ventral part of the interventricular septum, whereas the longer one--under pacing the left ventricular base.
Databáze: OpenAIRE