Body image in women with HIV: a cross-sectional evaluation

Autor: Jeannie Huang, Harrity S, Lee D, Becerra K, Santos R, Wc, Mathews
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: AIDS Research and Therapy
AIDS Research and Therapy, Vol 3, Iss 1, p 17 (2006)
Europe PubMed Central
ISSN: 1742-6405
Popis: Background HIV lipodystrophy syndrome is a recognized complication of potent antiretroviral therapy and is characterized by often dramatic changes in various body fat stores, both central and peripheral. Given prior findings of heightened body image dysphoria among HIV-infected men with lipodystrophy as compared to HIV-infected men without lipodystrophy, we sought to determine body image among HIV-infected and HIV-negative women and to determine the relationship of HIV and lipodystrophy with body image. Our a priori hypothesis was that women with HIV and lipodystrophy would have significantly poorer body image as compared to women without HIV and to women with HIV without lipodystrophy. Results 116 women responded to two previously validated self-report instruments (Body Image Quality of Life Index (BIQLI) and the Situational Inventory of Body-Image Dysphoria – Short Form (SIBID-S)) on body image. 62 (53% subjects) HIV-infected women were recruited at the university-based HIV clinic. 54 (47% subjects) HIV-negative female controls were recruited from another study evaluating bone density in otherwise healthy controls. 96% identified their sexual orientation as women having sex with men. Among the HIV-infected group, 36 reported the presence of lipodystrophic characteristics and 26 reported no lipodystrophic changes. Agreement regarding the presence of lipodystrophy between physician and subject was 0.67 as measured by the kappa coefficient of agreement. Compared to HIV-negative women, HIV-positive women demonstrated poor body image as measured by BIQLI (p = 0.0009). Compared with HIV-infected women who denied lipodystrophy, HIV-infected women with self-reported lipodystrophy demonstrated poor body image as measured by BIQLI (p = 0.02) and SIBID-S scales (p = 0.001). Conclusion We demonstrate that HIV and lipodystrophy status among women is associated with poor body image. Universal efforts should be made in the HIV medical community to recognize body image issues particularly among persons affected by lipodystrophy so that appropriate intervention and support may be provided.
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