[The role of the department of functional diagnosis in an interregional diagnostic center in improving the diagnostic process in cardiovascular diseases at the polyclinic stage]

Autor: Bart BIa, Lm, Manukian, Na, Stadchenko, An, Svanidze, Na, Ovchinnikova, Se, Bashchinskiĭ, Ma, Osipov
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Europe PubMed Central
ISSN: 0040-3660
Popis: Experience gained by one of the departments of the interregional diagnostic center (DC) provides evidence in favour of its setting up within the public health system. Owing to the department of functional diagnosis of the center, the outpatients can be examined skillfully, whereas previously only hospitalization was of help. Successful functioning of the department and perfection of its work require at least two conditions. The first one lies in sufficient equipment of the DC with up-to-date facilities and outfits, and the second one in the presence of good specialists, their desire and strivings for constant perfection of the available diagnostic methods and for introduction into medical practice of the new ones.
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