[High level thoracic epidural analgesia as a special component of anesthesia during thoracic surgeries]

Autor: Oa, Kurilova, Margarita Vyzhigina, Va, Titov, Sp, Kozlov, Sg, Zhukova, Vd, Parshin
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Europe PubMed Central
ISSN: 0201-7563
Popis: This article is devoted to assessing the adequacy and safety of total intravenous anesthesia based on constant dosed infusion of propofol and high thoracic epidural analgesia in thoracic surgical procedures requiring an artificial one-lung ventilation in patients with concomitant chronic cardiorespiratory disorders compared to TIVA without a high thoracic epidural analgesia. Comparative analysis of gas exchange, metabolic rate, pressor, resistance and volumetric characteristics of pulmonary blood flow, central and intracardiac hemodynamics was conducted. We used high technology invasive monitoring system PICCOplus for transpulmonary thermodilution in combination with VoLEF for pulmonary thermodilution in changing modes of ventilation MV-MSL V-MV. MSL V lasted more than 1.5 hours.
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