[Estimation of activity of bis-netropsin derivatives based on a model of an experimental cutaneous herpes simplex virus disease of guinea pigs]

Autor: Vl, Andronova, Sl, Grokhovskiĭ, An, Surovaia, Gv, Gurskiĭ, Pg, Deriabin, Vov Dk, L., Georgy Galegov
Zdroj: Europe PubMed Central
Popis: Using the model of an experimental cutaneous infection of guinea pig males caused by herpes simple virus type 1, it is shown that application of dimerico derivatives of netropsin Lys-bis Nt and 15Lys-bis Nt in the form of polietilenglicol-based ointment suppresses viral infection more effectively than acyclovir.
Databáze: OpenAIRE