[Interstitial endocrine apparatus of testes of experimental animals in conditions of chromium-benzene intoxication]

Autor: Da, Bokov, Ev, Ermolina, Mv, Semenova, Ai, Smoyiagin, Alexander Stadnikov
Zdroj: Europe PubMed Central
Popis: With the use of histological, morphometric and statistical methods there was shown a gonadotropic effect of chromium, benzene and also their mixtures in male mice (CBA x C57Bl6) F1. The established structural changes in the testes of exposed animals showed the suppression of their germinative and endocrine functions. The response of Leydig cells in the chromium group expresses a development of the compensatory process in the relation with the destruction of seminiferous epithelium.
Databáze: OpenAIRE