[Analysis of the structure and specific features of maternal and infant mortality according to the data of Forensic Medical Examination Bureau and Pathologic Anatomy Bureau for 2002-2006]

Autor: Vladimir Klevno, Vd, Isakov, Gv, Pavlova, Ao, Pravodelova
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Europe PubMed Central
ISSN: 0039-4521
Popis: The present analysis of maternal and infant (under 1 year of age) mortality is based on the data for the period from 2002 to 2006 that have come to the address of the All-Russia scientific and practical conference "Topical issues of forensic medical examination of the human corpse" (5-6 June 2008, Sankt-Peterburg). The materials were collected using a standard questionnaire form distributed among regional forensic-medical examination bureaus an pathologic anatomy departments. The questionnaire comprised over 50 questions. The study revealed a steady tendency toward a decrease in maternal and infant mortality in the Russian Federation as a whole and in its different regions. The study included analysis of similarities and differences in the mortality rates reported by forensic-medical examination bureaus and pathologic anatomy departments of the country and in the technical approaches practiced by them.
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