[Important problems of high quality drinking water supply, and the ways of their solution]

Autor: Iu A, Rakhmanin, R I, Mikhaĭlova, L F, Kir'ianova, E M, Sevost'ianova, I N, Ryzhova, A Iu, Skovronskiĭ
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Vestnik Rossiiskoi akademii meditsinskikh nauk. (4)
ISSN: 0869-6047
Popis: The article covers the results of experimental and natural studies concerning important directions in the field of drinking water supply, including such aspects as: research into and classification of the barrier role of conventional and prospective technologies of water preparation in terms of chemical and biological pollution; revision of the standards of drinking water quality control in accordance with international documents; the main aspects of revision of the general conception of high quality water supply, within which hygienic requirements concerning the quality of prepackaged waters and the ranking of different techniques of water preparation used in water purification units, have been developed for the first time. The authors present the results of experimental studies on the patterns of disinfection, purification, and conditioning of drinking water quality using energetic- and-information technologies of water preparation.
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