Sickle cell disease: some haematological changes in steady state and crisis

Autor: G I, Ekeke
Rok vydání: 1987
Zdroj: Biomedica biochimica acta. 46(2-3)
ISSN: 0232-766X
Popis: Blood was collected from HbSS-confirmed sicklers (80 males and 75 females, age 2-26 and 1-27 years, respectively) who attended our clinics. They were either on crisis or steady state. Blood analysis showed that, both in steady state and crisis, haematological indices are categorizable into three: those that show marginal changes between crises and steady states, irrespective of sex. These include PCV, MCMC, % eosinophil and monocyte/basophil counts; those that vary significantly in both states, mainly in female sufferers, for example bilirubin and % neutrophils; those that show appreciable changes in males. These include mean cell volume and haemoglobin concentration. There are therefore clear haematological changes in steady state and crisis in sickle cell disease (SCD). Some appear to be sex-influenced, a factor of which must be taken into account in the use of haematological data either as crisis markers or therapeutic monitors.
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