[Cervical screening and surveillance of the cervix uteri before the age of 20]

Autor: D, Benmoura, D, Sperandeo, D, Duprez
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 1986
Zdroj: Journal de gynecologie, obstetrique et biologie de la reproduction. 15(1)
ISSN: 0368-2315
Popis: The authors record a sample of 2,234 adolescents who were aged 20 years or less and who had systematic cervical screening. This was carried out in a Social Service gynaecological department and the reason for it was mainly to research in the epidemiology. The authors have analysed the results of 870 cervical smears and 62 colposcopies. They found that in this young population there were 11% dysplastic smears; 59% viral type smears (condylomata or herpes); 11% mild or moderate dysplasias and 16% flat condylomata that were proven histologically. The authors review the recent literature and their results and the risk factors for cancer of the cervix in adolescents and demonstrate the value of early screening of this population.
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