[Prevalence of the attempts to stop pregnancy and associated factors in a marginal suburban community in Lima-Peru, 2006]

Autor: Carolina, Tarqui-Mamani, Alejandro, Barreda, Milagros, Barreda, Hernán, Sanabria-Rojas
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Revista peruana de medicina experimental y salud publica. 27(1)
ISSN: 1726-4642
Popis: To estimate the prevalence for the attempts to stop pregnancy among women with history of previous pregnancies, and to determine the factors associated.A cross-sectional study was performed during 2006. Samples included 1057 women with background of pregnancy, living in Pamplona Alta, selected by a systematic random sampling. We applied descriptive and inferential statistics, including a logistic regression model.The prevalence for the attempt to stop pregnancy was 13.9% (99% CI: 11.1-16.7). The factors associated identified by multivariate analysis were: Unwanted pregnancy (OR=5.7; CI: 1.9-16.7), lack of pre-natal care (OR=4.7; CI: 1.8-12.2), prostitution (OR=11.4; CI: 1.5-87.9), age below 20 years (OR=2.9; CI: 1.1-7.9), and having more than two partners (OR=3.3; CI: 1.1-10.2).The estimated prevalence for the attempt to stop pregnancy among women with history of previous pregnancies in a marginal suburban area from Lima was low when compared to the national estimated prevalence of abortion. The associated factors identified for the attempts to stop pregnancy are: unwanted pregnancy, prostitution, age below 20 years, having more than two partners and lack of pre-natal care.
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