[Erysipeloid on the islands of the Ohhotsk Sea. 2. Landscape types of the natural foci of erysipeloid]

Autor: A A, Timofeeva, T I, Evseeva, R D, Shcherbina, N S, Gaidukova, N I, Artiukhov
Rok vydání: 1978
Zdroj: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii. (1)
ISSN: 0372-9311
Popis: Cases of skin (skin-artericular) form of erysipeloid were recorded in the islands of the Sea of Okhotsk. The natural foci of the causative agent of this infection were polyhostal and polyvectoral in character. The causative agent of erysipeloid exists among the animals habitating on land and sea. Mass species of animals characteristic of the island landscape served as the sources of infection. Their four landscape types (mountaineous-taiga, of sea coast and rocks, anthropurgic settlement, and of water bodies--salt and freshwater) were preliminarily distinguished by the combination of biocenological, epidemiological, and epizootological peculiarities of natural erysipeloid foci.
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